The Spice Republic Brisbane Australia Za’atar Blend

Za’atar Blend

The name of both a family of wild Middle Eastern herbs related to oregano and thyme, and an iconic spice mix famous throughout the region. A tangy and aromatic blend of sumac, thyme, oregano, marjoram, toasted sesame seeds and cumin, The Spice Republic Za’atar Blend is one of our most versatile spice blends. Use it for marinating meat or fish, roasting vegetables or sprinkle it onto your oven baked halloumi spring rolls – the possibilities are endless. One of our favourite za’atar home recipes is a simple scrambled eggs made with olive oil, add some fetta with a sprinkling of za’atar.

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Scrambled Eggs with Za’atar & Feta

Serves 2

1 tbs olive oil
4 free range eggs
25g feta
2 slices bread (we suggest grained sourdough)

Heat oil in frypan to medium heat. Lightly whisk eggs and add to pan. Add feta to eggs halfway through cooking. Cook eggs until glossy and just set and sprinkle well with Za’atar. Serve on toast. Add seasoning to your taste.

Baked Za'atar Egg Rolls with Spinach & Feta

Serves 6

6 Turkish bread rolls
6 eggs
200g baby spinach
1/2 cup heavy cream
80g feta, crumbled
2 garlic cloves, minced
2tsp The Spice Republic Za'atar Blend
2tbs olive oil + extra
Sour cream, for serving (optional)

Preheat oven to 180 degrees, fan. Heat oil in frypan, add garlic & cook over low heat until soft. Increase heat & add spinach, cook until wilted. Stir in cream & season. Cut the top out of the rolls leaving an edge. Push the middle of each roll until there is a hole large enough to fit a cracked egg. Divide spinach between the buns, crack an egg into each hole & dot feta around the eggs. Sprinkle with Za'atar Blend, season lightly & brush with extra olive oil & place on lined tray. Bake for 15-20mins, depending on how you like your eggs. Serve warm straight from the oven with sour cream.


Eggplant & Lentil Salad with Tahini & Za'atar Dressing

Serves 4

1 cup French green lentils
1 Bay leaf
2 tsp olive oil
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
2/3 cup fresh coriander, stems & leaves chopped
1/4 cup dried blueberries
1/4 cup goji berries
1tsp The Spice Republic Za'atar Blend

2 medium eggplant, cut into thin wedges
2-3 tbs olive oil

2 tbs tahini
1 lemon, juiced
2 tbs water
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 tsp The Spice Republic Za'atar Blend

Preheat oven to 200 degrees, fan bake. Add washed lentils to a saucepan with plenty of water & bay leaf. Bring to a low boil & cook for approx. 15-20mins or until the lentils have some resistance & are holding their shape. Once cooked, drain, run under cold water, discard bay leaf & leave to drain well. Combine lentils, olive oil, red onion, berries, coriander, sprinkle on Za'atar Blend & season well. While the lentils are cooking, place the eggplant wedges in the oven to roast. Brush with olive oil & season well. After 10-15 mins, turn the eggplant & brush with a little more oil & roast for another 10-15 mins or until soft & dark brown in places. Mix all dressing ingredients in a jar & shake, season. Serve lentil salad & eggplant wedges with dressing on the side to add as you like.